Monday, November 28, 2011

Project 365? Or Project- Oh shit- I should update that....

I know- I know, I've barely been updating and when I have- it's been depressing prose/poetry and limericks.
(Just kidding about the limericks)
I've done plenty of interesting things lately- from pumpkin carving parties to concerts (underground as well as at a converted warehouse), from Downtown NYC to Atlanta suburbia, on air, boat, and by road.

Been a busy couple of weeks- and no, I won't attempt to recap it all so you are going to miss out on the hilarious story of how the Halloween party I was supposed to attend was in fact a group of um...laid back individuals....around a bonfire behind someone's parents house.... and then end up on the very packed, very sketchy dance floor of a local night club where I was torn between protecting myself from various gropes to protecting my much more covered and much cuter engaged roommate from Mr. Steroids 2008.  (Apparently the cowgirl look does it for them)

So, I forgot to write movie reviews of the some movies- The Immortals- most of which I watched through my hands, The Accidental Husband (oh Colin Firth- went from Mr. Darcy to the third wheel in a straight to DVD romantic comedy), and well- I'm sure I've watched other movies but I've forgotten. 

I took in a stray puppy- named Casper and am working on getting him back to health while his adopted parents get their house together.But really I'm completely in love with him and his one blue eyes, one hazel eye pink nose, speckled fur self. 

 Read The Hunger Games (in 3 days), the first two books from the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2 days), and finished up Dancing with Dragons. I got sucked into How I Met Your Mother, Once Upon a Time (I can't help it- I grew up on Disney), and recaps of American Horror Story/Walking Dead. If you know me, then it makes sense why I can read recaps instead of watching the show like a normal person. Scaredy-cat, scaredy-cat, scaredy-cat.

My hope is to write a little blurb or two about my Thanksgiving up north- but it may be Christmas by the time I remember to do that...

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