Tuesday, July 26, 2011

244- Insight

I'll be honest, my musical taste is not a connoisseurs. But one thing that is a constant in my musical preference is the lyrics. In fact, most of my favorite artists are songwriters who pen their own music. Sure, I will also buy the main stream beats and thuds and dance mixes and I'll nod along with other music but none of it will make me hum as much as the words will.

 You've seen me push Maroon 5, Matt Nathanson, Adele, and Michael Buble at you over the course of these months. But I remember watching SYTYCD last season and hearing Jar of Hearts for the first time and going- okay, definitely in my wheel house. Not the best song I'll ever play on repeat but she meant those words and I think that more than anything was the reason she sky rocketed to the top of the billboards.

Since there was not much more of her discography, I soon got tired of Jar of Hearts and only listened to it when it slipped up on the shuffle or popped up on the radio one dreary day. But yesterday, I heard Arms by Ms. Chrisitini Perri and for some reason or another it stuck.

 I never was big into poetry but I never really went in search of it. I was more likely to pick up the grand romance epics or science fiction, I consumed the classics of Austen, Eyre, and Twain while mucking through Rand and Tolstoy, rolling my eyes and flipping the page in the hope it would be over soon. Not kind thoughts but I was in high school, I owe them a reread.

(Never Robinson Cruesue though, dear god. My own fault, I was sure I was about to read the Swiss Family Robinson story and was really, really annoyed when i got halfway through it and realized I was reading the wrong story but hey a paper was due in the morning and I had been an idiot and chosen this stupid thing instead of the Hobbit like all the sane children- okay tangent done)

But songwriters of today are possibly the closest thing we have to minstrels of centuries ago. And who else do we turn to when we can't face the things that are haunting us? Movies? Books? Music?

 Well, I turn to music more often than not. Movies are distracting but hollow and books will distract me but the end too soon. Music....music on the other hand is something that soothes in a way a mere amateur like me wouldn't attempt to explain.

As I write this, I'm listening to The Lonley by Miss Perri. I'm sure it'll end up on my ipod sooner or later but for now Arms is going to reign queen.

Not a huge fan of the music video- but pay attention to the lyrics.

I hope that you see right through my walls 
I hope that you catch me because I'm already fallen
You put your arms around me and I'm home

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