Thursday, March 31, 2011
291- Hiatus Over- Until Next Time
I shouldn't play video games. Not because you blink and you've spent four hours trying to jump from ledge to ledge without plummeting to your death approximately 9000 times-- but because I tend to take things with me. Especially things that cause me to do more praying than I do any other time in my life...
(God! JESUS CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, and SWEET MOTHER OF GOD are the typical ones that can be heard...)
No, here's why I should really, really not play video games.
Last night, I was determined to finish Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. I was loaned it back in December and its been mostly sitting and doing nothing except for two memoroable rainy days were I sat down and got through the beginning (again). If you aren't familiar with Uncharted- don't worry, if I didn't have a video playing ex in my life neither would I. It's basically Indiana Jones but updated to have better guns and a wisecracking hero (Nathan Drake), a determined and self holding heroine/TV adventure guide (Elena), and some thugs all going for the mythical lost gold statue of El Dorado.
At least that's what I thought.
I had the jumping down. Well except when I lost patience and just had Drake jump to his death approximately 9000 times. And I soon mastered the aiming and shooting thing (50 head shots- thankyaverymuch) as well as the figuring out where the hell to go next. Sure, I'm playing on easy but the only other video games I've ever played was Kingdom Hearts (which is the Disney Geek in me waving a red flag). But I can get behind this one because the main character reminds me of Nathan Fillion and I'm still kind of hoping that when this gets made into a movie they choose Fillion to play Drake.
So, I jumped, I shot, I searched, and I was rocking it.
Sorry, if I just ruined it for you but I had to get that off my chest. All of a sudden, I was in the catacombs of a Spanish Monastry on a deserted island and there were zombies. Sure, I had seen some odd thing jumping around in my underground adventures but zombies??? Mutant Zombies??
I did not sign up for this and I know Ex knows better than to give me a video game without a warning of freaking mutant zombies. I'm the girl who cringed all the way through The Shining and was scarred for life as a child by Ernest Scared Stupid which he forced me to watch. I'll admit it- I jumped off the bed and went in the next room during the Troll under the bed scene. I'm not playing around with things crawling in bed with you. Just not.
Anyways, like I said- I had to run from mutant zombies which would kill you by sinking teeth into your flesh and which my shoot/aim skills were put to a test because they're fast little mutants. Let's just say I'm shocked at how many times I didn't die. At the same time, at 1:00 a.m. I'm not going to continue much farther than the dark creepy underground bunker without checking online to see if there's more mutant zombies down there- oh there are?
Saving and going to bed.
See, I'm a wuss. But what really makes me sure I'm not meant to be a video gamer is the fact that my dreams revisit the video game in the oddest ways. Mutant Zombies showing up randomly- check.
Because we all know that the dream in which you're working at your place of employment and mutant zombies are as common as mosquitoes- you have an issue.
But of course, when you switch to a dream where you are foced down a one way street that takes you across the Mississippi River on a bridge- and you go from driving the car to having a video game pan across the bridge view and you are still trying to drive the car straight but cant actually see traffic, road, or bridge poles- its not going to end well.
In fact, I'm pretty sure I ran my car up against the bridge columns, before ending up driving straight off the edge of the bridge into a lake and losing my car in the eddy of the churning waves. Course the camera view would switch back to my horrified sight as I realized I'd have to call my parents and tell them I drove off the side of the bridge....
And that's my point- who dreams about camera angles switching while driving across a bridge?
People who shouldn't play video games that's who.
(I have a week to beat the damn thing. Goddamnmutantzombies)
(God! JESUS CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, and SWEET MOTHER OF GOD are the typical ones that can be heard...)
No, here's why I should really, really not play video games.
Last night, I was determined to finish Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. I was loaned it back in December and its been mostly sitting and doing nothing except for two memoroable rainy days were I sat down and got through the beginning (again). If you aren't familiar with Uncharted- don't worry, if I didn't have a video playing ex in my life neither would I. It's basically Indiana Jones but updated to have better guns and a wisecracking hero (Nathan Drake), a determined and self holding heroine/TV adventure guide (Elena), and some thugs all going for the mythical lost gold statue of El Dorado.
At least that's what I thought.
I had the jumping down. Well except when I lost patience and just had Drake jump to his death approximately 9000 times. And I soon mastered the aiming and shooting thing (50 head shots- thankyaverymuch) as well as the figuring out where the hell to go next. Sure, I'm playing on easy but the only other video games I've ever played was Kingdom Hearts (which is the Disney Geek in me waving a red flag). But I can get behind this one because the main character reminds me of Nathan Fillion and I'm still kind of hoping that when this gets made into a movie they choose Fillion to play Drake.
![]() |
See what I mean? |
So, I jumped, I shot, I searched, and I was rocking it.
Sorry, if I just ruined it for you but I had to get that off my chest. All of a sudden, I was in the catacombs of a Spanish Monastry on a deserted island and there were zombies. Sure, I had seen some odd thing jumping around in my underground adventures but zombies??? Mutant Zombies??
I did not sign up for this and I know Ex knows better than to give me a video game without a warning of freaking mutant zombies. I'm the girl who cringed all the way through The Shining and was scarred for life as a child by Ernest Scared Stupid which he forced me to watch. I'll admit it- I jumped off the bed and went in the next room during the Troll under the bed scene. I'm not playing around with things crawling in bed with you. Just not.
Anyways, like I said- I had to run from mutant zombies which would kill you by sinking teeth into your flesh and which my shoot/aim skills were put to a test because they're fast little mutants. Let's just say I'm shocked at how many times I didn't die. At the same time, at 1:00 a.m. I'm not going to continue much farther than the dark creepy underground bunker without checking online to see if there's more mutant zombies down there- oh there are?
Saving and going to bed.
See, I'm a wuss. But what really makes me sure I'm not meant to be a video gamer is the fact that my dreams revisit the video game in the oddest ways. Mutant Zombies showing up randomly- check.
Because we all know that the dream in which you're working at your place of employment and mutant zombies are as common as mosquitoes- you have an issue.
But of course, when you switch to a dream where you are foced down a one way street that takes you across the Mississippi River on a bridge- and you go from driving the car to having a video game pan across the bridge view and you are still trying to drive the car straight but cant actually see traffic, road, or bridge poles- its not going to end well.
In fact, I'm pretty sure I ran my car up against the bridge columns, before ending up driving straight off the edge of the bridge into a lake and losing my car in the eddy of the churning waves. Course the camera view would switch back to my horrified sight as I realized I'd have to call my parents and tell them I drove off the side of the bridge....
And that's my point- who dreams about camera angles switching while driving across a bridge?
People who shouldn't play video games that's who.
(I have a week to beat the damn thing. Goddamnmutantzombies)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
292- Something That Can Make You Smile
I've known this girl for over ten years now- we went through the hell of middle school, the social swamp of high school, and the self safari that is college together. This picture is kind of one of those silent moments that captures a friendship. It's new- but I think it's going to one that I'll look back on ten years from now and still smile at it.
Ps- Shell's blog is Toot Sweet- go check it out. Fashion, Dog Tales, and Baking Nirvana .
293- Something You're Afraid Of
More importantly- the passing of time. Each day you hurry it by with wishing for tomorrow and hoping it's lunch time but I'm afraid that one day I'll wake up- and I'll be somewhere I never wanted to be because I hurried time along or lived in the moment instead of looking ahead. Or maybe I'll have tired to look ahead so hard that I missed the moments.
We invented time. We constructed clocks and dials and broke it down into hours, minutes, and nanoseconds and we watch it fly by or ignore it with the idea that we have all the time in the world.
So, yes.
I'm afraid of time slipping away and finding I've wasted it. On waiting.
Friday, March 25, 2011
294- Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber Review
I picked the romantic comedy over the Best Picture Nominee.
Of course, I could blame it on being tired after a long day of work but I’ll be honest. I choose Colin Ferguson shirtless over Monique in an Academy Winning Performance.
Girl, I’m sorry. I was weak.
Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber
Title: Long and reminds me of the Lindsey Lohan Disney movie Tedious.
Star: Jennifer Love Hewitt- You have a beautiful body and fantastic features- however that fake weave on your head distracted me the entire movie and you’re acting was as flat as the chicken cutlet you pulled out of your dress at the end monologue. No catharsis = no interest. Fake.
Love Interest: AKA Thor- Colin Ferguson, between the eyes, the grin, and the rippling pectorals- you should be labeled an illegal import. I mean, god man. It doesn’t help that you get strip to your white boxers to go dancing in a fountain- I stare at a fountain all day. I don’t need those kinds of day dreams. Steamy.
Plot: Girl desperately struggles to get an invite to the party of the decade. In the struggle, the years of her cutting corners and snobby cruelty and plastic façade catch up to her and ruin any chance of snagging the perfect guy. Hollow.
Co-Stars: Between the backstabbing assistant, the green peace hippie coworker, the black widow bff, and the gay best friend (played by Joey Lawrence of all people), you were never sure what kind of attitude and outfit was about to come strutting through that door .Diversified.
Quick Bite: Put off what you should be doing, regret it immediately afterward. Pass.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
295- A Picture of You and A Family Member
I am by no means- a "Daddy's Girl".
I am however so much like my father that my mother calls me Frank when she's annoyed with me.
My Dad is almost deaf, stubborn as a rock, and loves to dish it out but leaves the room the moment someone starts to dish it back. He likes to sit in his room and watch TV from the moment he comes in the door till bedtime, hates going out, and is impossible to buy for since if he wants something he just goes out and buys it and if you buy it for him first, he'll return it because he'll decide he wants something different....
He also will try to do things for you even if you don't want him to, fix computer issues, buy you things you don't need and aren't sure what to do with, and try to give you advice on things that you don't want.
(Even if I'm scared stupid that I'm going to turn into him. )
I am however so much like my father that my mother calls me Frank when she's annoyed with me.
My Dad is almost deaf, stubborn as a rock, and loves to dish it out but leaves the room the moment someone starts to dish it back. He likes to sit in his room and watch TV from the moment he comes in the door till bedtime, hates going out, and is impossible to buy for since if he wants something he just goes out and buys it and if you buy it for him first, he'll return it because he'll decide he wants something different....
He also will try to do things for you even if you don't want him to, fix computer issues, buy you things you don't need and aren't sure what to do with, and try to give you advice on things that you don't want.
I love him very much.
(Even if I'm scared stupid that I'm going to turn into him. )
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
300- A Picture of Something You Wish You Were Better At
I'm kind of hopeless at it- although some close friends can personally attest that I have come leaps and bounds. I can now do basic makeup although I always skip mascara and lipstick.
I wouldn't mind being one of those people who can make you look gorgeous with minimal effort.
I'm kind of hopeless at it- although some close friends can personally attest that I have come leaps and bounds. I can now do basic makeup although I always skip mascara and lipstick.
I wouldn't mind being one of those people who can make you look gorgeous with minimal effort.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
302- A Picture of You When You Were Little
21 years ago I didn't like pants and had a thing for Corvettes.
Not too much has changed.
Except my hair color.
303- A Warning Against Irish Car Bombs
Two years ago, I put on a "Kiss Me I'm Irish" T-Shirt, decided to cut it's tight crew neck into a scoop and try to fix it up in a seam shop. The poor little white tee made it to a party that evening where I celebrated it's survival and clear message by throwing back two Irish Car-Bombs and grabbing a Guinness. I celebrated the evening at a fellow student's party who enjoyed his Irish roots to the extent of faking an Irish brogue daily and allowed pecks on the cheek to rain down on my silly head from various guests. However, soon I felt the forewarned mentions of the ICB's hit me -much harder and much less forgiving than advertised.
Seizing his moment, a certain young man with gray eyes caught me alone and made a direct proposition to add his kiss to my list. I'm sure he knew I had worn the damn shirt just to get him to kiss me- I walked away from the night and straight into a relationship that managed to span over two years.
One year ago, I looked across at the blinking alarm clock- an arm draped over me and pulling me against a warm front as the digital display displayed March 17. I think a part of me was in slight shock that a year later I was still very much experiencing those peculiar symptoms of Irish Car Bombs.

My Breathing Became Shallow.
My Head Fogged.
Judgment Fled.
Seizing his moment, a certain young man with gray eyes caught me alone and made a direct proposition to add his kiss to my list. I'm sure he knew I had worn the damn shirt just to get him to kiss me- I walked away from the night and straight into a relationship that managed to span over two years.
One year ago, I looked across at the blinking alarm clock- an arm draped over me and pulling me against a warm front as the digital display displayed March 17. I think a part of me was in slight shock that a year later I was still very much experiencing those peculiar symptoms of Irish Car Bombs.

My Heart Was Still Racing..
My Breathing Was Still Shallow...
My Head Had Yet To Clear....
My Judgment Had Been Declared A Missing Person.
Seizing his moment, he pinched my arm and demanded my attention. I'm sure he knew I had been awake and as I pointed out it had been a year- he agreed and then pointed out I was also going to be late to class that day- I walked away from that morning and away from that relationship just a month later.
However, Irish Car Bombs are tricky bastards. The effects have yet to fall off- and I still find myself with a silly grin on my face- act like a fool and ignore all reasonable advice.
So, this St. Patrick's Day- as you pull on your green, throw back your beers, and consider the Irish Car Bomb as a way to truly celebrate this Nationality Day- I warn you- Beware. The effects are potent, drugging, and addictive....
They feel a lot like love.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
304- A Picture of Your Biggest Insecurity
Lack of Sexy
I know- but in all honesty- I can't be sexy. The more I try to the more I end up looking like an idiot. I've embraced my lack of sexy however and just do random little things for me. I wear my cute underwear and I go to yoga- I read those magazines and I watch those movies but hey- I guess a girl can't be everything. I will just be me- cute works for me.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
306- A Picture of Someone Who Inspires You
Ms. Gaye Jeffers, ya'll.
It's not only how she much passion she has for what she does and who is she is but what she brings out in others around her.
Plus, she's highly creative and a wonderful leader. Pretty Inspiring.
It's not only how she much passion she has for what she does and who is she is but what she brings out in others around her.
Plus, she's highly creative and a wonderful leader. Pretty Inspiring.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
312- A Picture of the Person You Do the Most Messest Up Things With
That'd be this couple.
If one of them doesn't convince me to do something stupid, the other one just peer press
ures me into it.
If one of them doesn't convince me to do something stupid, the other one just peer press
ures me into it.
314- Superhero For A Day
Watched Old Dogs- Not going to review it. It was horrible. I am ashamed of every single actor and actress who was apart of it. Seth Green, Robin Williams, and John Travolta are dead to me. Sure I laughed., but it was out of sheer horror.Oh and Dax Shepard- what the hell man?
However, I did get the idea of what I would be if I was a super hero. So, first off- Let's say I became a super hero.
Name: Bee Sting
Weapons: Bow and Arrows -- Hand to Hand Combat
Story: Running one day, Britney accidentally stumbled upon a drug smuggling operation. When noticed, she ran. Pursued, she tried to lose herself in the woods. Trying to hide, she fell, hitting her head. Britney was found dehydrated and delusional by a recluse. Taken back to his village, it was found the young woman had amnesia. Adopted into their fold, Britney slowly regained her memory as well as a new found talent for archery. However, when the drug operation found the village and burned it to the ground, Britney knew she had to give up hiding. Returning to the city, Britney adopted the name Bee Sting and haunted the back alleyways of the city, keeping crime in its place.
Arch Foe: Mr. Rizley- Drug Lord

But then, I decided- let's go bigger....
Name: Sky Falls
Powers: Flight
Weapons: Feria- Flaming Sword
Story: One early morning, everyday regular girl around town Britney found herself in a fog. As she strode forward, trying to find her way, she encountered a young man with wings and a sword. The man addressed her as The Lady and presented her with the sword, claiming it was her destiny. Upon her touch, the sword flared into flames, wings erupted from her back and ankles and her mousy brown hair glowed white before changing to a deep blue. She was the chosen carrier of Feria, the Flaming Sword of the Gods which had been passed down from each respective empire to another. Feria had been called to the Land of the Free as the ancient evils of greed, power, and violence were winning control of the nation. Teemed the hand of Lady Justice herself, America embraced Sky Falls as its hero even as it turned to the very evils she strove to protect it from.
Arch Foe: Gara Jinn- Ancient Power of Evil
Oh yea, you'd buy them. Don't deny it. They may or may not get their very own short stories in a couple of days...who do you want to hear more about? Bee Sting or Sky Falls?
And yea, my costumes are skimpy. It's for air circulation.
Monday, March 7, 2011
316- A Picture of Your Most Treasured Possession
That would be my car. Cricket. 2000 Ford Silver Mustang who is currently camera shy.
317- Personal Space
“Theater to your left, sir,” David nodded his understanding to the half asleep drone that was currently pretending to take tickets. The watch on his wrist reflected a neon sign advertising popcorn as David neared his theater. It was the last showing of the particular movie and David had picked the late night show as to avoid any…embarrassment.
Shuffling towards Theatre 14, David glanced over his shoulder before he darted towards the single door. The electronic sign above the door flashed at him as he went underneath it, the green words mocking him as he stole into the dark hallway beyond the portal.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
320- Shopping Spree
321- Picture From Your Favorite Night
It's called Tacomac Tuesday.
And this is the group of people you roll your eyes at in a crowded bar.
I'm not going to say this is my favorite night. But it's memories like these that make me want to get in the car after a bad day and just drive back to nights like these.
And this is the group of people you roll your eyes at in a crowded bar.
I'm not going to say this is my favorite night. But it's memories like these that make me want to get in the car after a bad day and just drive back to nights like these.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
322- Getting the Thoughts Out of My Head
What do you want to be when you grow up was a question that all children are asked with humor as they played dress up or looked wide eye in amazement at role models that seemed to good to be true.
When we were in high school, the question was asked with some doubt coloring the voices. As if they weren't quite sure we would know yet, but with a definite impatience evident in the tone.
In college? You were asked what you're going to do with your life and woe to you if you were silly enough to study anything that did not end in business, nursing, engineering, or some sort of pre-study program. Like me. I chose to get a degree in theatre. And I was happy to defend it from everyone because why would I want to be like everyone else and get a degree in business? I could learn just as much while learning how to be a creative thinker and producer of fine arts.
Then, I graduated, moved back home since I had no money saved up, and took a position that I thought may be a suitable career. I'm lucky despite my own petty issues. I may be miserable since I left behind a social life that included close friends to living at home with the company of the people who love you even when you all drive each other crazy and have no privacy. But I'm not struggling to survive and I'm healthy and loved.
However, I can't help but look at my fellow recent graduates. Many have returned to school for another degree. Others have pursued careers that allowed them to segue way seamlessly into foreign travel or secure positions. Some have applied for job after job after job and finally taken one that will give them experience even if it gives them no real joy. And most have ended up in retail, restaurants, and other positions that needs no more qualification than decent personality, 18 years of age, and a good interview.
And we all are grateful. We have to be. We have to put aside all the years of hearing how special we are, smart, talented, engaging, and how we can do anything we want and we have to learn how to hear the words no, not now, and maybe next time. Or we just don't hear anything back at all.
I believe silence is the worst sound of rejection. As in they can't possibly be bothered to spend time on rejecting you, much less considering you. And in our current economic environment, our generation has learned that there's just nothing out there right now unless we want to go back to school, work at positions that don't require the fancy degree we lovingly framed, and just accept that we aren't as special as we had believed as we studied away on our college weekends, sleeping in and skipping classes and thinking about what we were going to wear to the bar that night.
It's the real world apparently. But I don't buy it. This is just the next stage. And for our current times, its a hard step to take up to that stage. I can only speak for myself as I stand up here and wonder: Do I take a step backwards? Return back to a college town and make the best of it and surround myself with people who care about me even as they move on with their own lives? Would that be going backwards and risking any type of progress? Or should I just admit I made a mistake by returning to life at home and should have stayed there in the first place?
Or am I playing it too safe? Should I risk it all and just move to a new city, try and find a job and risk being alone, completely alone with no safety net? Or would I just end up home in a couple of months, broke and having to start all over?
It's almost been a year since I walked across a stage and I don't think I've grown at all. I think I've done exactly what I was scared of when people asked me what I was going to do when I graduated. Settled. Got complacent with a life that's filled with one person movie nights, social media networking as a social life, and a job but not a career. And have people tell me to give it time. Give it time and just become numb with the complacency of it all. You can happily numb or you can be painfully depressed.
As I stand on the platform and look back at my steps here, I can't see the steps ahead. Since graduation, I've made two distinct choices to get to where I am now. When's the next fork in the road going to come?
At least getting the chance to make a choice is something I have left.
Even if I don't know which is the right one.
When we were in high school, the question was asked with some doubt coloring the voices. As if they weren't quite sure we would know yet, but with a definite impatience evident in the tone.
In college? You were asked what you're going to do with your life and woe to you if you were silly enough to study anything that did not end in business, nursing, engineering, or some sort of pre-study program. Like me. I chose to get a degree in theatre. And I was happy to defend it from everyone because why would I want to be like everyone else and get a degree in business? I could learn just as much while learning how to be a creative thinker and producer of fine arts.
Then, I graduated, moved back home since I had no money saved up, and took a position that I thought may be a suitable career. I'm lucky despite my own petty issues. I may be miserable since I left behind a social life that included close friends to living at home with the company of the people who love you even when you all drive each other crazy and have no privacy. But I'm not struggling to survive and I'm healthy and loved.
However, I can't help but look at my fellow recent graduates. Many have returned to school for another degree. Others have pursued careers that allowed them to segue way seamlessly into foreign travel or secure positions. Some have applied for job after job after job and finally taken one that will give them experience even if it gives them no real joy. And most have ended up in retail, restaurants, and other positions that needs no more qualification than decent personality, 18 years of age, and a good interview.
And we all are grateful. We have to be. We have to put aside all the years of hearing how special we are, smart, talented, engaging, and how we can do anything we want and we have to learn how to hear the words no, not now, and maybe next time. Or we just don't hear anything back at all.
I believe silence is the worst sound of rejection. As in they can't possibly be bothered to spend time on rejecting you, much less considering you. And in our current economic environment, our generation has learned that there's just nothing out there right now unless we want to go back to school, work at positions that don't require the fancy degree we lovingly framed, and just accept that we aren't as special as we had believed as we studied away on our college weekends, sleeping in and skipping classes and thinking about what we were going to wear to the bar that night.
It's the real world apparently. But I don't buy it. This is just the next stage. And for our current times, its a hard step to take up to that stage. I can only speak for myself as I stand up here and wonder: Do I take a step backwards? Return back to a college town and make the best of it and surround myself with people who care about me even as they move on with their own lives? Would that be going backwards and risking any type of progress? Or should I just admit I made a mistake by returning to life at home and should have stayed there in the first place?
Or am I playing it too safe? Should I risk it all and just move to a new city, try and find a job and risk being alone, completely alone with no safety net? Or would I just end up home in a couple of months, broke and having to start all over?
It's almost been a year since I walked across a stage and I don't think I've grown at all. I think I've done exactly what I was scared of when people asked me what I was going to do when I graduated. Settled. Got complacent with a life that's filled with one person movie nights, social media networking as a social life, and a job but not a career. And have people tell me to give it time. Give it time and just become numb with the complacency of it all. You can happily numb or you can be painfully depressed.
As I stand on the platform and look back at my steps here, I can't see the steps ahead. Since graduation, I've made two distinct choices to get to where I am now. When's the next fork in the road going to come?
At least getting the chance to make a choice is something I have left.
Even if I don't know which is the right one.
323- Picture Challenge- Day 3
The Cast of Your Favorite Show
Disclaimer: I'm a theatre kid so I choose my favorite cast from my favorite show. Then, someone pointed out most people aren't in, here's both. That's right, you get two pictures today.
Disclaimer: I'm a theatre kid so I choose my favorite cast from my favorite show. Then, someone pointed out most people aren't in, here's both. That's right, you get two pictures today.
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The Hobbit- Disney World- 2006 |
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The cast made this show. Plain & Simple. |
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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