Friday, March 25, 2011

294- Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber Review

I picked the romantic comedy over the Best Picture Nominee.

 Of course, I could blame it on being tired after a long day of work but I’ll be honest. I choose Colin Ferguson shirtless over Monique in an Academy Winning Performance. 

 Girl, I’m sorry. I was weak. 

Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber

Title:  Long and reminds me of the Lindsey Lohan Disney movie  Tedious

Star: Jennifer Love Hewitt- You have a beautiful body and fantastic features- however that fake weave on your head distracted me the entire movie and you’re acting was as flat as the chicken cutlet you pulled out of your dress at the end monologue. No catharsis = no interest.  Fake

Love Interest: AKA Thor- Colin Ferguson, between the eyes, the grin, and the rippling pectorals- you should be labeled an illegal import. I mean, god man. It doesn’t help that you get strip to your white boxers to go dancing in a fountain- I stare at a fountain all day. I don’t need those kinds of day dreams. Steamy.

Plot: Girl desperately struggles to get an invite to the party of the decade. In the struggle, the years of her cutting corners and snobby cruelty and plastic façade catch up to her and ruin any chance of snagging the perfect guy. Hollow. 

Co-Stars: Between the backstabbing assistant, the green peace hippie coworker, the black widow bff, and the gay best friend (played by Joey Lawrence of all people), you were never sure what kind of attitude and outfit was about to come strutting through that door .Diversified. 

Quick Bite: Put off what you should be doing, regret it immediately afterward. Pass. 

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