Monday, February 28, 2011

325- 30 Day Picture Challenge -- Day 1

1. Doesn't like tomatoes but loves ketchup.

2. Awkward but covers it up with a dry sense of humor

3.  Sings and dances while driving solo. 

15 Facts
4. Tends to...well, collect people's hats, glasses, and jackets when drinking.  

5. Has atrocious handwriting.

6. Loves anything that goes fast

7. Has little to no patience.

8. Total Aries

9. Not a morning person

10. Can't do accents.

11.  Mint Chocolate Junkie

12.Prefers Batman 

13.  Obsessed with Jessica Simpson's Collection. 

14. Gets injured in highly creative ways...

15. Loves to sleep when its raining.

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