Sunday, February 6, 2011

338- Day...

What happened to Britney today:
1. Limped on the still yoga-abused right foot arch all day
2. Decided to make an awesome chili queso dip to go to a Superbowl party
3. Met a friend's old cocker spaniel and made friends rubbing his belly
4. Was bit by said dog.
5. In the face.
6. Went into shock in a stranger's home.
7. Bled everywhere.
8. Had to get a tetanus shot because apparently you don't want to know what dogs lick.
9. Continued to bleed everywhere.
10. Was told no more makeup for a week. 
11. Went to said Superbowl party- walking in to a room full of complete and utter male strangers all too invested in the game to notice my face but were in raptures over my chili queso.
12. Watched as my adopted team for the evening won.
13. Decided to name my culinary creation- Dog Bite Queso
14. Started to bruise
15. Realized I was no longer limping.

So, moral of the story- through pain and possible facial scarring- there is humor and enough pain to distract you from the rest of it.

Now, lets see if they let me stay at the desk considering I look like half my face lost a fight with a duck.

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