Friday, January 14, 2011

353- Act One; Scene One


The stage should be set up to resemble a 2011 Facebook profile page.
 On stage right, there is a very tall platform. At the top of it and at the far right is a box. This is the profile picture. To the left of it is the words Simone Flick and underneath those words there should be a projector screen.
 Stairs descend from the profile picture to a lower platform and stairs go backstage down the platform to stage floor. However, the platform has a wall that goes from the profile picture to the stage floor, resembling a wall. There should a number from 4- 10 boxes in this section that are Simone Flick’s Friends and their respective profile pictures.
 Feel free to use whichever actors and name you see fit. Don’t be afraid to put more than one person in the “picture” and have fun with it. It’s a great way to introduce the character’s name and personality. But they will not move unless they are part of the scene. You can also use random names and random actors. Just because I didn’t image them doesn’t mean you can’t. 

Cast List:( as of 1/14/11)
Simone Flick- Assistant Copier at Horne & Steck Editors
Christian Creed: Friend of Simone (10 years)
Genie Piskin: Friend of Simone and Christian (10 years)
Betty Buckle: Christian’s girlfriend; Interior Designer
Kent Arminger: English student at Campbell University
Shane Culpeper: IT support at Horne & Steck Editors
Buzz Quiroz- English student at Campbell University
May Jefferies: Art student at Campbell; Buzz’s fiancée
Felicia “Fun Size” Hart- Friend of Simone and Genie (5 years); Therapist
Penny Kirkpatrick- Hotel Hospitality Manger; friend of Jay Lions
Jay Lions: Sports writer; ex boyfriend of Simone Flick

At Rise:    
         Underneath the name Simone Flick is some information: Works at Horne & Steck Editors. Studied Journalism at Campbell University. Lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.  The actress is in her profile picture. 

         After a moment, the information is replaced by: can’t find her left shoe. Four people like this.
Simone steps out of the picture. 

Simone: The sadists. Where the hell did it go? God, I’m going to be late….come on, shoe. Pretty shoe, where are you? Pretty, pretty- dang it where is that stupid thing? What time-

A digital clock lights up- revealing it is 7:29. 

Simone: Damn it.

As Simone begins the search for the elusive show, Christian Creed enters stage left. Lights up on stage left. He stands underneath the box frame constructed center left and it suddenly lights a green electronic light in its upper corner as he begins to speak. 

Christian: You still want to go out to Moc’s Station tonight?
Simone: I forgot!
Christian: You didn’t forget, you just hoped I would. You’re coming out.
Simone: Christian…I said I didn’t want to.
Christian: Come on!
Simone: But I have overtime this weekend and I have to be at the office at 11-
Christian: Who makes their secretary come in on a Saturday?
Simone: Horne Junior of Horne & Steck Editing.
Christian: You find your shoe?

Simone gives up looking for the shoe and joins Christian in the box.

Simone: No. I’m just going to walk like a pirate today.
Christian: Choose a different pair of shoes
Simone: You honestly don’t understand women do you?
Christian: You sound like Betty.
Simone: Do not tell me that. That woman hates me.
Christian: She does not hate you, Mona…
Simone: Last time we went to the station she told me she hated girls who drink beer….I drink beer, Chris
Christian: Maybe she didn’t know-
Simone: I was drinking a beer
Christian: She doesn’t hat you, Mona
Simone: Okay.
 I will try and make it to the station tonight. Is Genie coming?
Christian: I think so. You talk to her lately?
Simone: Nah, she’s been too busy with Grover.
Christian: I can’t believe she’s dating a guy named Grover…
Simone: Like Betty Buckle is so much better?
Christian: It’s called alliteration.
Simone: Christian Creed and Betty Buckle. Admit it, it’s weird.
Christian: Tons of people have first and last names that start with the same letter. You could marry a guy named Smith and be Simone Smith.
Simone: Or I could die a virgin.
Christian: You’re not a virgin.
Simone: Damn it.
 Fine, Ill add his name to mine.
Christian: Simone Flick Smith?  It sounds like a porno name
Simone: It’s better than Christian Butler Creed and Betty Carla Buckles!
Christian: Well, if we got married, her named would be Betty Carla Creed. So, it wouldn’t be weird anymore.
Simone: I know you just didn’t say you were marrying her
Christian: I’m not! I was just saying-
Simone: Because I will sit there and smile but I will keep the receipt for the blender.
Christian: Mona…
Simone: Shit, I’m going to be late- I’ll call you after work, okay?
Christian: Good luck.
Simone: Wha?
Christian: Finding that shoe. You know it probably disappeared along with your sense of humor
Simone: Goodbye, Chris! 

Christian exits off stage laughing while Simone rushes back to her box. She hits her pose and the lights dim.

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