And pretty much the only thing they had was a creepy bunch of paintings but a local artists which heavily featured Pinocchio being tortured and touring other things...and John Rogers collection of work.
I absolutely loved his collection- based around plays, stories, and the civil war- Rogers showed a bit of Americana in its best even when it was at its worse. My favorite is this piece-> where the young woman is studying her lines while her companion applies some stage make up for their private theatrical performance. The detail is beautiful- from the cat skin rug on the floor looking up in amusement, the props on the table to the flowers etched on the lady's skirts. I highly recommend you take a look at his work- think Norman Rockwell in statues. Without soda fountains.
Well, then it was off to the Gardens where I roamed the labyrinth and bemoaned my forgotten ear piece so I couldn't listen to music. I suppose that would have taken away from the overall beauty of the gardens in June but I had to amuse myself by quoting Shakespeare at myself.
Lord what fools these mortals be. |
Well, I laughed. |
To sleep, perchance to dream... |
Love looks not with the eyes but the mind |
I was ridiculously proud of myself for knowing my mythology enough to call this before I read its title.. |
Such Stuff as Dreams are Made on |
Journeys end in lover's meetings |
Be Not Afraid of Greatness |
A Little Narnia For You Believers |
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