I was duly excited to get back to having a place to myself since it's been a year (a year!) since I was last on my own. And I've got to say I'm loving it. I forgotten how nice it is to be able to come and go, leave a mess and not worry about someone cleaning up after it, or someone oinking when I put a piece of food in my mouth. I love my family but I really, really hate their obsession with weight and appearances. It is shocking how normal I am when I think about it.
So, I haven't cooked yet but that's probably due to the fact that it's hard to cook for one when it's so simple to simply stick a pizza or frozen chicken pasta entree into the oven then sit there and prep food for one. I did however cut up the strawberries, mix them with grapes and have them ready for after work snacks as well as stock the fridge with the water from the garage and generally make it easier on myself to eat healthy. Later. Eventually.
But enough of that. I have a pool.
Oh, yes. I've spent the past few afternoons laying on the raft and reading a chick lit novel disguised as historical espionage. At least when I read trashy novels I read smart ones about the Napoleonic wars and British exploitation in India, Ireland uprisings, and English Regency. Sure, I've got Remains of the Day and Watership Down on standby but let's just be honest- I'll probably keep those for another sunny day.
So, far I've consumed two books and gotten a base tan. And a nasty burn all along my backside because I fell asleep on the raft and didn't realize I forgotten to put suntan on that specific area. That's why one needs a a cabana boy or swim partner- forget drowning- think of the tan lines.
Anyways, let me introduce you to my current roommates.
This is Little Bit- and he likes to play with you. He is also fascinated by my laptop and likes to try to type when I put it down. He's a purring machine and will put his head near your hand until you pet him or just sit there and purr at you until you figure you probably should just pet him already. He's also very fond of sunlight, long naps, and Maroon 5.
This is Sammy- He's pretty much firmly of the mind set of I'm old, I don't know you, and as long as you let me have the best seat in the living room I will deign not to be a grouch. He also enjoys throwing up, avoiding the rest of the crew, and letting me scratch his head as long as no one else is watching. I've also caught him sniffing my Iphone when it's left unguarded.
All in All, I'm enjoying it. I like having animals to return to- they keep the house comfortable despite the throw up, puddles, and dog hair everywhere. They also let me ramble about silly stupid things alhtough they do demand I pay them in affection and attention. I've gotten quite good at scratching the golden with my left food while Sammy sits on the right and alternately pettting Daisy and Little Bit with the other hands, keeping them away from each other since Little Bit will tempt Daisy into a rousing game of Can't Catch Me!
And Little Bit is attempting to let me know I've ignored him long enough while Daisy is barking at the kids outside. Guess break time's over.
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